Presentation Plus


EssentialNearing the end of the presentation
  • I'd just like once more to remind you of those benefits.

  • To summarise the advantages [...]

  • At this stage I'd like to go over the major advantages of our system

  • As we've seen in this presentation today, there are a number of safety issues in reactor design

  • As I've explained

  • First we looked at [...] and we saw that [...]

  • Then we considered [...] and I argued [...]

  • In conclusion, I'd like to emphasise that [...]

EssentialBefore answering a question
  • If I understand the question correctly, you would like to know [...]

  • So, you would like to know [...] So, you are asking [...] So, your question is about [...]

  • Let me see if I understand your position. Are you saying that [...]?

  • I'm not sure if I understand. Are you saying that [...]?

  • Before we go on, let me paraphrase what I think you're proposing [...]

  • Let me restate your last point to see if I understand.

EssentialIf you don't have the answer to a question say it
  • I'm sorry but I don't have that information to hand.

  • Can I get back to you about that?

  • I'm afraid I can't answer that.

  • To be honest, I'm not really the person to ask about that.

EssentialEnding the Q and A session
  • Does anyone have any more questions? In that case, I’ll finish my presentation here. Thanks for listening.

  • If there are no more questions, then we can stop here. Thanks very much for your attention.

  • I’ll now hand out the notes I promised.

  • Are there any more questions? Then we can move on to the demonstration.

  • Thank you for listening. Now it’s time for coffee!

How to... prepare yourself (next page)It's your turn! (previous page)
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