Listen and repeat
Listen to extracts from some presentations and practise reading the text out loud. Pay particular attention to the word stress and intonation. Try to finish your sentences at the same time as the speaker.
Right, / so now / let's look at THIS chart which shows the SALES figures.
Can you see what THIS is? What you are looking at / is the latest smartphone.
First / let's have a look at some figures / that will help you see the potential market.
On THIS picture / you can see ONE of the many French PWRs / with its cooling towers.
THIS is the OVERALL diagram / of the process.
LET ME DRAW YOUR ATTENTION / to the LEFT part of the screen, / with the FIRST primary circuit.
What you can SEE / on top of it are called CONTROL RODS.
I’d like to HIGHLIGHT / the use of WIND power here.
What we can see here / is a SIGNIFICANT rise in electricity / from renewable sources.
So what does this mean? In fact, / renewable energy / is a very SMALL part of production.