Presentation Plus



In English we do not say each syllable in a word with the same force or strength. We generally accentuate one syllable which is stronger and louder than the other(s), for example BOTTle BURger COFFee TAble. We show the stress in this way Oo.


Now do the exercise to practise.

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Now play this game!

All the words below have two syllables. Some of them have the stress on the first syllable (Oo) while others have the stress on the second (oO).

What have you to do!

Find a way to movefrom A to J in twelve moves. You can only land on squares where the word has stress on the first syllable Oo.

You can move one square at a time horizontally, vertically or diagonally. And you can go back!

Start from GLObal!


Now do the exercise to practise.

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